Look At The Sky Urinetown Lyrics

Look at the sky urinetown lyrics – Look at the Sky, a powerful song from the acclaimed musical Urinetown, sets the stage for an enthralling narrative. With its rich symbolism and evocative lyrics, this song captures the essence of the musical’s themes and provides a glimpse into the characters’ inner struggles.

Delving into the lyrical and musical intricacies of Look at the Sky, we’ll explore its profound impact on the plot, characters, and overall message of Urinetown.


Urinetown is a satirical musical that explores themes of corruption, poverty, and environmentalism. Set in a dystopian future where water has become scarce, the musical follows the residents of Urinetown, a city where citizens must pay to use public restrooms.

The song “Look at the Sky” is a pivotal moment in the musical. It occurs when the citizens of Urinetown, led by Bobby Strong, rise up against the corrupt government and demand access to clean water.

Lyrical Analysis: Look At The Sky Urinetown Lyrics

The lyrics of “Look at the Sky” delve into a poignant exploration of human emotions and motivations, utilizing metaphors and symbolism to create a vivid tapestry of meaning.

Literal Meaning

On a literal level, the lyrics describe a character gazing up at the sky, contemplating the vastness of the universe and their place within it. The speaker expresses a sense of insignificance amidst the grandeur of the cosmos, questioning their purpose and the meaning of their existence.

Metaphors and Symbolism

The sky serves as a powerful metaphor throughout the lyrics. It represents both the vastness of the universe and the unfathomable nature of human existence. The speaker’s contemplation of the sky reflects their search for answers and their struggle to make sense of the world around them.

Character Emotions and Motivations, Look at the sky urinetown lyrics

The lyrics reveal the speaker’s complex emotions, including feelings of awe, wonder, and existential angst. The speaker’s questioning of their place in the universe suggests a deep-seated yearning for meaning and purpose. The song also explores themes of loneliness, isolation, and the human desire for connection.

Musical Analysis

“Look at the Sky” is structured as a traditional musical theater ballad, featuring a verse-chorus-bridge form. The song begins with a melancholic verse that establishes the protagonist’s longing for a better life. The chorus then provides a moment of catharsis, as the character expresses their desire to escape the oppressive society they live in.

The bridge offers a moment of reflection, as the character questions the futility of their dreams. The song concludes with a reprise of the chorus, ending on a note of bittersweet hope.


The song’s harmony is primarily based on diatonic chords, with frequent use of suspended chords to create a sense of tension and release. The chorus features a particularly memorable harmonic progression that builds to a powerful climax.


The melody of “Look at the Sky” is characterized by its soaring vocal lines and wide range. The verses feature a relatively simple melody, while the chorus opens up into a more expansive and emotionally charged phrase. The bridge contains some of the song’s most intricate melodic writing, as the character’s thoughts and emotions become more complex.


The rhythm of “Look at the Sky” is generally slow and deliberate, with a steady 4/4 time signature. However, the song’s rhythm becomes more dynamic in the chorus, as the tempo increases and the syncopated rhythms create a sense of urgency.

The bridge features a more syncopated rhythm that reflects the character’s inner turmoil.

Overall Emotional Impact

The music of “Look at the Sky” contributes significantly to the song’s overall emotional impact. The melancholic verses create a sense of longing and despair, while the soaring chorus provides a moment of hope and catharsis. The bridge’s more complex music reflects the character’s inner turmoil, while the reprise of the chorus at the end of the song offers a bittersweet sense of resolution.

Dramatic Impact

The song “Look at the Sky” serves as a pivotal moment in Urinetown, propelling the plot forward, influencing character relationships, and building tension.

Plot Advancement

This song marks the culmination of the citizens’ frustration and desperation. Led by Bobby Strong, they rebel against the oppressive Urine Good Company, which has monopolized the city’s water supply.

Character Relationships

The song solidifies the bond between Bobby and Hope, who become symbols of the people’s hope and determination. It also exposes the conflict between Bobby and Caldwell B. Cladwell, the tyrannical head of Urine Good Company.

Tension and Suspense

The song’s powerful lyrics and soaring melody create a sense of urgency and impending doom. The repetition of the phrase “Look at the sky” serves as a reminder of the citizens’ desperation and the looming threat of their water supply being cut off.

Social Commentary

The song “Look at the Sky” in Urinetown serves as a powerful indictment of social inequality and political corruption. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a society where the wealthy elite live in luxury while the poor are forced to live in squalor.

Inequality and Oppression

The song’s lyrics depict a society where the poor are oppressed and exploited by the wealthy. The “pee-ers” are forced to pay exorbitant fees to use the public toilets, while the “upper class” enjoys free access to these basic necessities.

This disparity highlights the stark inequalities that exist within Urinetown, with the poor being denied basic human rights while the wealthy live in comfort and luxury.

Corruption and Abuse of Power

The song also exposes the corruption and abuse of power that is rampant in Urinetown. The “Urine Good Company” has a monopoly on the city’s water supply, and they use this power to control the population. The company’s CEO, Cladwell, is a ruthless tyrant who cares only for his own wealth and power.

His willingness to sacrifice the well-being of the poor for his own gain is a testament to the moral bankruptcy of the city’s leaders.

Relevance to Contemporary Society

The themes of inequality and corruption explored in “Look at the Sky” are still relevant to contemporary society. In many parts of the world, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider, and the wealthy elite often use their power to exploit the poor.

The song serves as a reminder that we must remain vigilant in fighting against these injustices and working towards a more equitable and just society.

FAQ Overview

What is the significance of Look at the Sky in Urinetown?

Look at the Sky is a pivotal song that reveals the characters’ dreams and frustrations, advancing the plot and building tension towards the musical’s climax.

How does the song reflect the themes of Urinetown?

The song’s lyrics touch upon the themes of inequality, corruption, and the desire for freedom, which are central to the musical’s narrative.

What is the musical structure of Look at the Sky?

The song features a haunting melody, rich harmonies, and a dynamic rhythm that contribute to its emotional impact.